001    /**
002     * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
003     * User: Wei Wang
004     * Date: Feb 14, 2003
005     * Time: 8:45:05 PM
006     */
008    package EVolve.util.painters;
010    import EVolve.visualization.AutoImage;
011    import EVolve.util.painters.shapes.*;
012    import EVolve.util.painters.shapes.Shape;
013    import java.util.*;
014    import java.awt.*;
016    public class RelationshipPainter extends Painter{
017        private int[][] value;
018        private HashMap[] axis;
019        private int shapeSize;
020        private int threshold;
021        private long entity_type_1, entity_type_2;
023        public RelationshipPainter() {
024            axis = new HashMap[2];
025        }
027        public String getName() {
028            return "Relationship Painter";
029        }
031        public void updatePainterParameters(int[][] value, int threshold) {
032            this.value = value;
033            this.threshold = threshold;
034        }
036        public void paint(AutoImage image, long x, long y, long z) {
037            /*
038                here x and y stands for the entity type of
039                two axis, z stands for the edge length of the box
040                or diameter of the ball
041            */
042            clearImage(image);
043            entity_type_1 = x;
044            entity_type_2 = y;
045            axis[0] = new HashMap();
046            axis[1] = new HashMap();
047            shapeSize = (int)z;
049            int w = value.length, h = value[0].length;
051            for (int j=0; j<h; j++) {
052                Shape consumer = null;
053                for (int i=0; i<w; i++) {
054                    if (value[i][j]>=threshold) {
055                        consumer = new Ball(y,j,shapeSize);
056                        consumer.setColor(Color.black);
057                        image.setColor(i,j,consumer);
058                        axis[1].put(new Integer(axis[1].size()),consumer);
059                        break;
060                    }
061                }
062            }
065            for (int i=0; i<w; i++) {
066                Shape producer = null;
067                for (int j=0; j<h; j++) {
068                    if (value[i][j] >= threshold) {
069                        Shape consumer = findConsumer(j);
070                        producer = new Box(x,i,shapeSize,shapeSize);
071                        producer.setColor(Color.black);
072                        image.setColor(i,j,producer);
073                        axis[0].put(new Integer(axis[0].size()),producer);
074                        producer.addConsumer(consumer,value[i][j]);
075                    }
076                }
077            }
078        }
080        public Shape getEntityShape(int x, int y) {
081            int totalShapes = axis[0].size() + axis[1].size();
083            int i = 0,producerSize = axis[0].size();
084            while (i<totalShapes) {
085                Iterator it = axis[i/producerSize].keySet().iterator();
086                while (it.hasNext()) {
087                    Object key = it.next();
088                    Shape object = (Shape)axis[i/producerSize].get(key);
089                    if (object.insideShape(x,y)) {
090                        return object;
091                    }
092                }
093                i += axis[i/producerSize].size();
094            }
095            return null;
096        }
098        public HashMap getEntitiesInBox(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY) {
099            HashMap result = new HashMap();
100            for (int i=0; i<axis.length; i++) {
101                ArrayList ids = new ArrayList();
102                int targetType = -1;
103                for (int j=0; j<axis[i].size(); j++) {
104                    Shape object = (Shape)axis[i].get(new Integer(j));
105                    targetType = (int)object.getEntityType();
106                    if (inside(object,startX,startY,endX,endY))
107                        ids.add(new Long(object.getEntityID()));
108                }
109                if (targetType!= -1) result.put(new Integer(targetType),ids);
110            }
111            return result;
112        }
114        private Shape findConsumer(int entityId) {
115            Iterator it = axis[1].keySet().iterator();
116            while (it.hasNext()) {
117                Shape object = (Shape)axis[1].get(it.next());
118                if (object.getEntityID() == entityId)
119                    return object;
120            }
121            return null;
122        }
124        private boolean inside(Shape object, int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY) {
125            if ((startX<=object.x)&&(object.x<=endX)&&(startY<=object.y)&&(object.y<=endY))
126                return true;
127            return false;
128        }
130        private void clearImage(AutoImage image) {
131            short[][] data = image.getImageDataArray();
132            for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++)
133                for (int j=0; j<data[i].length; j++)
134                    data[i][j] = 0;
135        }
137        public Object clone() {
138            RelationshipPainter o = (RelationshipPainter)super.clone();
139            o.axis = new HashMap[2];
140            o.axis[0] = new HashMap();
141            o.axis[1] = new HashMap();
143            int w = value.length, h = value[0].length;
144            for (int i=0; i<w; i++) {
145                Shape producer = null;
146                for (int j=0; j<h; j++) {
147                    if (value[i][j] >= threshold) {
148                        Shape consumer = o.findConsumer(j);
149                        if (producer == null) {
150                            producer = new Box(entity_type_1,i,shapeSize,shapeSize);
151                            o.axis[0].put(new Integer(o.axis[0].size()),producer);
152                        }
153                        if (consumer == null) {
154                            consumer = new Ball(entity_type_2,j,shapeSize);
155                            o.axis[1].put(new Integer(o.axis[1].size()),consumer);
156                        }
157                        producer.addConsumer(consumer,value[i][j]);
158                    }
159                }
160            }
162            return o;
163        }
164    }